Are you a busy, ambitious person who knows they should improve their health, but lacks the time, energy, and knowledge to do this?

Are you always busy, low on energy, and have unhealthy habits that you can't seem to break?

Would you rather be full of energy, and reclaim your time and your life?

Discover the proven strategies, processes, and systems that busy high-achievers have used to transform their health.

  • Get step-by-step guidance from a health & fitness expert to transform your health, one habit at a time (while reclaiming your time and energy).
  • Cut through the noise of the health industry and gain clarity on exactly what you need to do to lead a healthy life.
  • Connect with a community of like-minded people on a similar journey.

What is the Momentum Membership?

The Momentum Membership is for anyone ready to transform their health.

The core idea of this membership is to make health simple and straightforward. Cut through the confusion and overwhelm and gain clarity on exactly what you need to do to achieve better health.

Transform your health using research-backed strategies broken down into simple, actionable steps. By saving you time and energy, you can become free and healthy.

These are the common problems people run into when trying to adopt healthy habits:

  • A lack of time
  • A lack of energy
  • A lack of motivation and self-discipline
  • And confusion about what they should be doing

The membership helps you overcome each of these barriers.

Joining the membership will help you move from the why to the how. We often know why we should do something, but it's the getting started, the motivation, and the self-discipline that is the hard part. This membership will help you understand how to make the changes necessary to improve your health, and it will make these changes easy for you.

You'll transform your health by leveraging your daily routine. You'll use simple daily systems that will guarantee success.

Weekly readings, homework, and reflections will help you solidify your new habits. You'll discover valuable and trustworthy books, podcasts, and articles to empower you to improve your health. Let me help you find what to pay attention to amidst the overwhelming noise of everything grabbing for your attention.

The Momentum Membership answers key questions such as:

  • How do I stay motivated and disciplined to take care of my health?
  • How do I stay disciplined with my diet?
  • How can I lose these final stubborn pounds?
  • How can I become healthier when I am low on time and have no energy?
  • How can I better handle the process of aging?
  • How can I lead a more meaningful and balanced life?
  • How can I start sleeping better?
  • How can I find the time to exercise?
  • I have no motivation to exercise or eat well. What can I do?

The Momentum Membership guarantees you progress through:

  • Premium Content - Monthly health roadmaps to support you, wherever you are on your health journey. You have access to all the resources you need to optimize your health.
  • Monthly Q+As - You'll be invited to participate in monthly Q+As with me. Ask me all of your health-related questions.
  • Monthly Challenges - Embark on monthly challenges with me and your fellow community members. We will support each other and hold each other accountable.
  • Monthly Book Club - Every month we vote on a book to read. Together we'll discuss our key takeaways and how we're going to implement the new knowledge into our lives.
  • Monthly Reflections - Post your vision, goals, and actions into our Personal Goals channel. Each month you reflect on these goals in public and refine for the upcoming month.

Instead of spending a few thousand dollars on personal coaching - join The Momentum Membership instead and get the same results.

What’s included in the Momentum Membership?


The key feature of the membership is our roadmaps model. The membership contains different roadmaps you can go down, depending on what your goals are and how far along the journey you currently are.

These roadmaps will include:

  • General health (foundations)
  • Sleep
  • Meaningful living
  • Weight management
  • Mindfulness
  • Fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Stoicism
  • Starting a journaling practice
  • Goal setting
  • Creating a morning routine

(With a new roadmap being added each month).

These roadmaps are each a 30 day journey. You have access to all the information and resources you’ll need, and what you need to do on each of the 30 days is outlined. You are given simple, actionable steps that will take you on a 30 day journey to optimizing an aspect of your health. Then, after the 30 days, you can start on a new roadmap. Or, if you find the roadmap isn’t for you, simply pick a new one. You’ll have constant access to all roadmaps (with more being added regularly) so can pick and choose what you work on.

The roadmaps will include relevant resources such as templates, trackers, movement and nutrition plans, recommend reading, and much more. You will also be directed to other content - books, podcasts, documentaries, courses, and anything else that might be useful for you as you pursue your goal.

You will be supported with all the resources you need to create a meaningful change in your life.

The Membership Community - The Momentum Tribe

Joining the membership means you will have access to the membership community - a group of other like-minded people on a similar journey.

“Convincing someone to change their mind is really the process of convincing someone to change their tribe. If they abandon their beliefs, they run the risk of losing social ties. You can’t expect someone to change their mind if you take away their community too. You have to give them somewhere to go. Nobody wants their worldview torn apart if loneliness is the outcome." - James Clear

The Momentum Tribe will support you on your journey as they walk beside you. We’ll all be on this journey together, going through a similar experience. Having people around you to support you is the best way to stick to your new habits and create the perfect lifestyle.

Photo by Felix Rostig on Unsplash

What will I achieve with the Momentum Membership?

You will transform your health, one habit a time, while reclaiming your time and energy.

You'll receive support from me, as well as from an engaged community around you. You'll:

  • Create a daily practice of improving your health with step-by-step guidance. Our daily action steps eliminate confusion and overwhelm.
  • Stay on track and create a sustainable lifestyle change with short weekly readings, homework, and reflections.
  • Become the person you want to be with a healthy lifestyle that is both sustainable and enjoyable.

This membership will make your life easier.

  • Confusing and conflicting health information distilled into simple, easy to implement knowledge
  • Daily action steps for you to follow each day
  • Big life changes, broken down into manageable bites